CMQ architettura


for contacts and info:


instagram: @cmq_architettura

+39 338 5219063
+39 348 0922057
+39 335 492649

Piazza Caiazzo 3  |  Milano |  MI  | 20124  | PRIMOPIANO

CMQ is an architectural group founded in 2018 by Antonio Boeri, Ludovico Oldini and Davide Pagano.

Our research focuses mainly on a constant investigation and re-discovery of the domestic dimension within the spaces we inhabit.

Our inter-scalar research method is universally applied to our projects at different scales and programs, from small residential spaces to bigger architectural artefacts.

We are interested in designing inhabitable and accommodating spaces, as we are often constrained to adapt to the space we have at our disposal, rather than adapting the space to our way of living.

We are interested in designing spaces that are different from each other but at the same time similar, as they are the coherent result of the same method. Our method aims to reveal the unexpressed potential of different spaces, interlacing them with the different personalities of the user.

We believe that each project is unique. For this reason we give it a name.


Antonio Boeri
Ludovico Oldini
Davide Pagano

CMQ team

Mattia Colombo
Martina Boschi
Adele Gualdoni

CMQ collaborators

Bice Ghetti
Alessandro Gloria
Fabrizio Esposito
Camilla Piccolo